Open your heart, Open your mind, Open your eyes


I choose this photo because it shows me that if you love someone and someone loves you back then you're happy and there is nothing else you need to live in this world. it shows me to be open minded and not think diiferently of others. Love is the soul to life and opens up many doors that you will remember forever. Always love, Love always.

The Chrysalids

The Chrysalids
John Wyndham

Harrison Bergeron vs. The Chrysalids

Harrison Bergeron and The Chrysalids both demonstrate the dangers of living in a society that enforces equality at the expense of individuality.

Both texts depict the affliction of survival in a society that discriminates against mutants. In Harrison Bergeron, George does not want to stand out because of his height and is forced to wear the forty-seven pounds of birdshot around his neck. George is aware of the consequences of removing the birdshot around his neck so he tries hard to leave it on. “Two years in prison and two thousand dollar fine for every ball I took out, I don’t call that a bargain”. In the Chrysalids, David is forced to hide his telepathic intelligence from society. Uncle Axel points out to David that living in this world is not easy, especially for those who are different like David. “This isn’t a cosy world for anyone-especially those who are different”. Abnormality is punished in a society that enforces equality.Both stories also depict how some rebel against society’s enforced rules. In Harrison Bergeron, Hazel convinces George to take off the birdshot and challenge society’s rules placed on mutants. She influences George into thinking it is okay to take it off for a while in front of her. “Why don’t you rest your head, I don’t care if you’re not equal to me for a little while”. In the Chrysalids, uncle Axel convinces David that what he has is unique and special but also that he has to hide it so no one finds out. David is aware of his misfortune and knows he has to hide his telepathy to avoid anyone from finding out. Finally both texts demonstrate the power and authority placed on those who are different. In Harrison Bergeron, the Handicapper General forces rules on society because they believe that everyone should be equal. Vonnegut points out that George is forced by law to wear a radio transmitter in his ear to avoid an unfair advantage of his intelligence. In the Chrysalids, Joseph Storm uses religion to rebel against all mutants. He strictly prohibits those who are different and believes everyone should be in the sight of God. “The norm is the image of God”. He uses religion to base his opinion on mutants.

Woman at a Window

Where oh where does the old widow sit?

But in her long black gown on the rocking chair.

No one has ever seen the truth.

No one ever will

Such an amusing an amusing outling of her face

Is acually discrace.

But I, I have seen the old black widow who wears the long
black dress.

I will not answer your prayers but i will say this.

She is a secret, a cold dark secret.

No one has ever seen her or met her but me.

She is an outline of her past.


No one has ever seen the widow or heard her.

But Me!

By: Audrey Williams

Woman at a Window

Woman at a Window
Photo by: Edgar Degas

Opening Up

We sit amid a growing darkness.

It is growing in me, you have no idea.

I look in your eyes, they are the eyesof so much love.

To know where you belong is one thing,

but to accept it like opening up to a rainstorm,

to accept it like refusing to run when therain comes,

but letting it wash you,

is another whole thing,

new and pristine,

like clear rivers.

It is another whole thing you oughtto have

in your open arms.

Courtney Kane



Facts about the Holocaust

- The Holocaust began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and ended in 1945 when the Nazis were defeated by the Allied powers.

-Approx. six million jews died in the holocaust.

-The Nazis killed approximately two-thirds of all Jews living in Europe

-The term "Holocaust," originally from the Greek word "holokauston" which means "sacrifice by fire," refers to the Nazi's persecution and planned slaughter of the Jewish people.

-It is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust. Six million of these were Jews.

-On April 1, 1933, the Nazis instigated their first action against German Jews by announcing a boycott of all Jewish-run businesses


In 1933, 90 Percent of Germans showed unflinching support for Adolf Hitler. That leaves 10 percent who didn't. Hans Humbermann is one of those 10 percent.

There were the erased pages from Mein Kampf, gagging, suffocating under the paint as they turned.

The Holocaust

The Holocaust